Giant blue bee
Giant blue bee

giant blue bee

giant blue bee giant blue bee

When the insect does that, its pollen pouches rub against the orchid, completing the pollination process Orchids have evolved to use the Orchid bee for pollination purposes the plant traps the insect momentarily, forcing it to exit the trap via a narrow tunnel.The Orchid bee is the only creature, other than humans, that is known to produce perfumes it does so by gathering essential oils from orchids and mixing them in special leg pouches for weeks or months.Orchid bees do not produce honey, although they also feed on pollen and nectar.You can only find them on the American continent, and there are around 200 species in existence, with many others being discovered regularly. Orchid bees are mostly solitary creatures with only minimal eusocial behavior. The Orchid bee is part of the Euglossini tribe, Apinae family, and displays a variety of mixed colors like green, blue, red, yellow, and orange, all coated with a metallic polish. It looks more like a green, oversized fly with iridescent color blends and a somewhat metallic look. First would be the fact that, if you didn’t know how Orchid bees look like beforehand, you wouldn’t recognize the insect as being a bee. There are, however, other aspects that make it unique in the insect world. This bee species isn’t particularly large, as it measures around 0.5 inches, much like your typical honeybee. The bee only lives in termite nests which it reinforces with resin.The giant bee’s wings produce airwaves that you can feel when flying past you.A collector sold Wallace’s giant bee specimen on eBay for $9,100, then sold another in 2018 for around $2,000.


The last time we saw this species in the wild was in 2019 when an insect enthusiast and professional discovered a female in Indonesia. The problem is that rumors about the Wallace’s giant bee going extinct have circulated since the 1980s, with the species itself being discovered in 1858. To have an idea of the bee’s size, it’s as long as an adult’s thumb, which ranks it as the largest bee species in existence. Males struggle to reach 1 inch in length. An interesting aspect about Wallace’s giant bee is that females are larger than males, capable of reaching 1.5 inches as adults, with a wingspan of over 2.5 inches. The bee uses its powerful mandibles to gather resin and wood to build its nest. It’s more of a combination between a giant wasp, an ant, and a beetle, as it also displays enormous mandibles. This insect is obscenely large, black, and looks nothing like a bee. There are few bee species on Earth with a more powerful intimidation factor than the Wallace’s giant bee. Here are the 10 biggest bees on the Globe that you may not have heard of. Which is what makes this list that much more exhilarating. You’ve most likely never heard or seen many of these species, and you’re also unlikely to meet them in person. Today, we will discuss the largest, most frightening, and most fascinating bees on Earth to highlight the immense variety to expect in the insect kingdom. Giant bee species, however, take things to a different level. Bees are already fascinating creatures with a powerful positive impact on the environment and human life.

Giant blue bee